Research & Reports
Mississippi is considering changes to its retirement plan provisions for the Mississippi Public Employees Retirement System (MSPERS), as presented in Senate Bill 2439. The bill, […]
Equable Institute has released a new brief showing a relationship between the state’s investment in teacher retirement and the percentage of disconnected youth in Connecticut […]
The funded status for state and local pension plans improved in 2024, propelled forward by solid financial market performance. Yet, public pension plans are still […]
Today, Equable Institute released the 2024 edition of it’s annual report, State of Pensions. The report, State of Pensions 2024: The Hidden Cost of Pension […]
A key feature of teacher pension plans is that they offer guaranteed income for life. But unless the purchasing power of that pension income keeps […]
A key feature of defined benefit pension plans is that they offer guaranteed income for life. But unless the purchasing power of that income keeps […]
At the end of fiscal year 2023, the average funded ratio for American public pension plans was 78.1%. While this is a modest improvement over […]
Based on funded ratio, Tennessee, Washington, Utah, South Dakota, and Washington, D.C. have the best funded public pension plans in the United States, as of […]