Pension Education
Most state and local workers in the United States receive retirement benefits, usually in the form of a pension. However, the quality of those benefits […]
A 403b plan is a form supplemental savings available to teachers in the U.S. How much income do you need in retirement to have a […]
Guaranteed lifetime income is one of the best things that come with having a pension plan. But pensions aren’t the only financial route to guaranteed […]
Is there a state pension crisis in the United States? The short answer is no. Despite headlines claiming that state pension funds are in trouble, […]
Defined benefit plans are a common way to provide retirement income. The most typical defined benefit plan is based on final average salary, and is […]
Retirees with a pension from state or local governments were made a promise: guaranteed income for the rest of their lives. But in a number […]
Like the Windfall Elimination Provision, the Government Pension Offset reduces Social Security benefits. However, unlike the WEP, the GPO only changes Social Security “survivor benefits” […]
New Report: Will You Be Affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision and/or Government Pension Offset?
With the new Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, public employees, like teachers, firefighters and police, face several questions as they near retirement. In […]